vera* – trust centre against harassment and violence

The vera* trust centre for persons affected by violence, harassment and the abuse of power in the arts, culture and sport has been open since 5 September 2022. Those affected in the fields of the arts, culture and sport can obtain psychological and legal support there as well as advice on possible courses of action.
The trust centre is a central point of contact for persons who perceive themselves as being affected by the abuse of power in the arts and culture as well as in sport. Important aspects here are low-threshold access and a balanced positioning. The idea behind the trust centre is to provide assistance and programmes for those affected and for institutions, and to act as an interface to existing structures, politics and the administration.
As an independent body, vera* provides counselling as well as workshops, awareness-raising and structural measures to help eliminate abuse in these highly sensitive fields. The centre is operated by two independent organisations: the association Vertrauensstelle for the field of the arts and culture, and 100 % Sport for the sports sector.
The website of the vera* trust centre for persons affected by harassment and violence in the arts, culture and sport is available in German at vera*.
Contact information
website: vera*
Address: Gertrude-Fröhlich-Sandner-Straße 13/6, 1100 Wien
For sport
Tuesday: 10:00 – 13:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 13:00
Phone: +43 1 39 39 100
Text message or signal: +43 664 9650022
Further information:
For the arts and culture
Tuesday 10:00 – 13:00
Phone: +43 1 39 39 900