Fairness and Fair Pay in Austria

Interim Report on the Fairness Process 2020/2021
The COVID crisis has shaken artistic and cultural life in Austria beyond belief. Divides in arts and culture, which already existed before the crisis, have deepened in its wake. Responding to the COVID crisis, Andrea Mayer, Secretary of State for Arts and Culture, launched the Fairness Process in autumn 2020. Involving stakeholders in arts and culture, this exemplary cooperation between the federal and Laender level will be continued after its successful start.
"Fairness" in arts and culture affects us in very different ways. Together, we want to ask ourselves: What does fair interaction mean? What does fair pay mean? And what measures can we embrace to achieve more fairness in arts and culture?
Secretary of State for Arts and Culture Andrea Mayer, Hans Peter Doskozil, Christopher Drexler, Peter Kaiser, Veronica Kaup-Hasler, Johanna Mikl-Leitner, Beate Palfrader, Heinrich Schellhorn, Barbara Schöbi-Fink and Thomas Stelzer
In 2021 a report was created to illustrate the many different aspects of this topic. The brochure is divided into the areas of "Transparency & Cooperation", "Fair Pay", "Funding", "Respectful Cooperation", "Diversification", and "Social & Legal Framework".
Report: Fairness Arts and Culture in Austria (PDF, 93 KB)
Further information can be found (in German) at Fairness & Fair Pay.